Monday, 12 January 2004

how many email clients can I use?

As I have written in a post earlier today, I am not really happy with Outlook 2000. So I downloaded and tried out Thunderbird. Not as happy with it... my main complaint is that it has a toally seperate couple of folders that you can't remove for each account (trash, sent items, ...). One thing that I like about Outlook (and Express), is that I get all my accounts going to the same inbox, using the same sent items box, etc. And when I click "check mail", it checks all accounts, and not just the one that I have currently active. In all fairness, they are only on release 0.4, and it looks great for that.

One of the smart things that I liked from my 30 minutes of playing with it was how for all the accounts, it had only one smtp server (and presumably when it works for all accounts). So if you went from work to home, you only have to change one line to get all your accounts working again. Nice. Very smart, and very needed for anyone who switchs networks a lot. I don't think that I really gave it a fair trial today, but I was just using it as a distraction from other things (work). Just like this is a distraction for things (sleep). ;-)
Listening to: Ministry - Burning Inside

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