Tuesday, 20 January 2004

It's like a train wreck, I just couldn't look away

On tonight was American Idle, and I just could not look away. Some of the people on that show are terriable! And the funny thing is, I am too, but at least I know it. I hope it's not just that their friends are just too nice and can't tell these people that they actually suck. How hard would it be to wait all that time for your 30 seconds in front of the judges and have them kill themselves with laughter, or worse yet not believe that you are serious? That's harsh, no doubt about it.

1 comment:

  1. OH GOOD!! I'm not the only one who thinks there are tons of crazy people in this world. Especially in the states!!!
    Let me tell you how this all works. They only let the really good or really bad singers in, the rest are filtered out. That's why you get to see a lot of crazy people.
