Sunday, 11 January 2004

I finally did it: moved to Outlook

I finally moved to using Outlook at my email client. *sigh* I tried to resist for a long time, but fighting spam all the time was too much for me. And it was a big pain the ass too: I couldn't export my email from Outlook Express. I had to move it to Outlook first, then export it. Now I am just trying back up all my school stuff including AudioMan. (I think that I have too many directories). So now that I am using Outlook, I can install SpamBayes which is working well since I had a folder of like 300 spam to train it with. ;-) Now I just have to move to Outlook XP (from 2000) so that I can get Hotmail support. One step at a time.
Listening to: The Tragically Hip - The Dark Canuck


  1. Figures. You're finally moving to Outlook and I'm moving from Outlook to Thunderbird. :)
    Just for fun, how big was your archive file? (the .pst) Mine was close to 100Mb, but I'm pretty sure you've got a heck of alot more main archived than I do..

  2. It actually wasn't that bad. The mail that I had saved (after putting it to a couple of pst files) was only like 250 MB. And considering that I had emails from like 1999, that wasn't too bad.
    And now I have the stuff backed up, I can get rid of my 1000's of messages. ;-)
    I just have to get Outlook to how I like it now... but I definally won't be staying with OL 2000 for too long... I need something with Hotmail support AND spam filtering.
