Monday, 8 March 2004

Life goes on

It's been weird the last couple of days. I have been thinking about my friend who is getting married in a couple of months; news of a baby on the way; and news of people who have died suddenly. And yet the world keeps on spinning like this is just the normal everyday things. And the thing is, these are the normal everyday things.

It's very surreal actually. Some times when you hear big news you think that some how the world is now different, that things can never be as they were before and you are partly correct. The world isn't different, but you are. Do you see the world differently now? Has it changed? Is it a passing cloud, or has the sky changed for ever? I guess this is what happens as you get older, you ponder what you can perceive and what you know you are missing. When you're small it's easy because you know everything. Hell, sometimes I feel that I don't have enough knowledge to get me to lunch, let alone through the whole day.

I guess that you never know what is going to happen tomorrow, so you should always make the most of today. Carpe diem and all that crap. Try to live life with no regrets. Hug without worry; laugh without worrying what people will think of you; smile because you can; if you love someone, tell them often so that if you don't see them again, that'll be your parting words. Don't be afraid of life, 'cause it's far too short. And don't be afraid to cry, because that is when we know we are human. And when people need you to be there, be there for them. Bringing kleenex doesn't hurt either.
Listening to: Never Ending Story - Techno remix

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